
In this coronavirus climate, the Diocese of Tasmania has made several new provisions to facilitate safe process and in-person gathering. One of these is electronic nominations for leadership positions: the two offices for election and appointment for 2020-21 are Parish Councillor and Warden.


What are these roles?

A suitable Parish Council member represents the wider church, in particular their home congregation, and joins with the Rector in "ensuring the affairs of the Parish are properly conducted". More importantly, a Parish Council member is committed to life with, like and for Jesus for themselves, as they demonstrate a passion for the vision and welfare of Wellspring.

A suitable Warden will fit the above description also, as well as having a greater degree of responsibility in the spiritual discernment and welfare of Wellspring Parish (our people and property).


How do I nominate someone?

A sample email communication is provided below for you to copy & amend. Reference is made to two documents, which are attached to this post.

Eg. John Smith has nominated Tom Black for Parish Council. Joan Smith is the secondary nominator. Both Tom Black and Joan Smith must confirm by return email that they consent to nominate/be nominated. At every point, the nominee's address, nominators' addresses and must be included in the email thread. 

We, 1. John SMITH (cc’d in for confirmation)   and 2. Joan SMITH

Electors of the Parish of Wellspring

HEREBY NOMINATE as Parish Councillor , Tom BLACK (cc’d in for confirmation)

By return email, Tom BLACK agrees to this nomination and declares that he has read the Faithfulness in Service Code of Behaviour (Ministry and Tribunal Ordinance 1998, Schedule 5).


He agrees to meet the requirements of Safe Church Communities Endorsement as defined in the Safe Church Communities Ordinance 2009, Schedule 1, for holders of this office, if so elected.


Safe Church Communities Schedule 1
FIS brochure