Each Sunday in January, we're reflecting on a film's themes and Scripture, to see the God-thread in each, to discover how Christ completes its message(s).

In order to help us engage more, here are a few questions.  Feel free to use them in whichever context they’d be fruitful in: small group discussion, dinner table conversation, or non-Christian friendship.


  1. Using the Receive-Reject-Redeem framework, what is redemptive about this film?
  2. Does it change your perspective to know R.L. Stine wrote the "Goosebumps" books to capture his childhood fears?
  3. Read Genesis 27 and 32.  What do we learn about Jacob's character?  Why might it be important that Jacob is 'renamed' during the wrestle?
  4. How should Christians handle culturally-acceptable experiences like scary movies and Halloween?