On Jul 16th, Rob preached on John 10:1-18 and Psalm 23 with the theme of "Life with Jesus"

  1. In what ways has this COVID-19 pandemic clarified your life? Eg. What has emerged as important and not-so-important? How have you changed your outlook on relationships, work, money, health?
  2. Re-read Jn 10:1-5 and Ps 23:1-4. What signs of an intimate relationship do you see reflected in these?
  3. Discuss what you understand by the phrase "hearing the Shepherd's voice". Read Matthew 7:24-27 as a prompt.
  4. Share your reaction to this statement: "The goal of Jesus' cross is not only our forgiveness but our reconciliation to the Father." See Colossians 1:19-23.
  5. What sort of enemies can you identify in your life that make intimate, abundant and responsive life with Jesus difficult?


On July 26th, Rob preached the first in our "Values" series (BELONG) from Psalm 139 and Romans 15:1-7

  1. Do you have a 'history' with this Psalm to share? A particular time in your life where part or all of it impacted you?
  2. Go through the psalm to count how many times God is spoken of as acting/initiating. What does this teach us about the first step of belonging?
  3. Re-read Ps 139:19-24. How does this section relate to the remainder of the psalm?
  4. Re-read Rom 15:1-5. How do these verses describe the life of a church community?
  5. Rom 15:7 instructs believers to "accept one another just as Christ accepted you." How did Christ accept us? What about this is meant to be replicated in accepting one another? Give a real-life example.