It was the end of April when I announced that, after much seeking of God and asking Him to lead, I would be concluding my role as Wellspring’s Senior Pastor/Rector by year’s end. You can find video of that hereThank you to everyone who continues to honour me and my family with affirmation, kindness, and ongoing prayer. We’re trusting God for a new adventure.

There is now more information to share about what the months ahead will look like. This is the standard process for all Anglican churches in Tasmania, organised by the Diocesan office and facilitated by Parish Council:

  • A parish-wide consultation took place during July, led by Archdeacon Stephen Savage. This involved two sessions of in-person discussion, with an invitation for written submissions, which were gratefully received. This consultation yielded some answers about who Wellspring is and where we want to go, and thus the type of person needed to lead as the new Rector.
  • A Parish Profile is almost finalised. It will provide a helpful overview of Wellspring and the role of Rector for prospective candidates to consider. Soon after, the process of advertising and recruitment begins. It is likely this will take several months.
  • The Imbergers’ final Sunday with you will be on October 27th. I then need to take accrued leave before officially resigning and moving in mid-December.
  • The Wardens have recommended, with the Bishop's approval, that Noel Bowditch serve as Locum (ie. Acting Rector) from November 1st and until a new Rector commences. Noel is known and respected among our church community, and will provide stable and godly leadership during this interval.
  • Pray for your Nomination Committee, who works with the Bishop and Diocesan members, representing Wellspring’s interests and vision in the search for a new Rector. They are the ones who join in on interviews, discern God’s leading, and make recommendations to the Bishop for his eventual appointment. The Nomination Committee members are: Matt Bowditch, Darryl Cook, Gemma Kleywegt, Helen Lord and John Morse - they will continue to serve in this role until the end of the process.
  • John Morse will also remain available as a contact person over these months ahead.

I’m so thankful for the life with Jesus that Wellspring has enjoyed in recent years. It’s an encouraging journey that I believe is poised for more depth and Spirit-fruit. As above, what this path ahead provides are clear and decisive steps to ensure Wellspring is well-led. There will definitely be change, some of it difficult, but some of it exciting too, and godly leadership will help navigate our church through both.

Your brother in Christ,