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Your 2024-2025 Parish Council

Congratulations to your new Parish Council for 2024-2025.

Councillors: Matt Bowditch, Ruth Charlton, Wendy Falloon, Peter Kleywegt, Grace Ren, John Schuringa

Wardens: Anna Folkerts, Richard Lord, Brett Reid

Synod Reps (2024-2027): Richard Lord, David McQuillan and TBC.


Nomination Committee 2024-2027: 1. 2. 3. (supplementary 4. 5. 6. ) TBC


Please pray for this group of people as they seek to lead Wellspring in life with Jesus. 

Communication to Parish Council can be made through the office: admin@wellspring.org.au

Council meets third Wednesday of each month. 

2024 Nomination Form for: Parish Council, Warden, Synod Rep, Nomination Committee

Nominations ahead of our 2024 AGM are open. They will close Sunday 18 August. 


Download this form and use it to nominate for positions of: 

Parish Councillor, Warden, Synod Rep and Nomination Committee member


Please return completed forms to the office no later than 18 August 2024.


Hard copy forms are available from church.


What are these roles?


  • A suitable Parish Council member represents the wider church, in particular their home congregation, and joins with the Rector in "ensuring the affairs of the Parish are properly conducted". More importantly, a Parish Council member is committed to life with Jesus for themselves, as they demonstrate a passion for the vision and welfare of Wellspring.
  • A suitable Warden will fit the above description also, as well as having a greater degree of responsibility in the spiritual discernment and welfare of Wellspring Parish (our people and our property).
  • A suitable Synod Representative commits to attending the annual parliament-style meeting of all Anglican parishes and agencies, over a three year term. They join with the Rector in representing Wellspring to the wider Anglican Diocese of Tasmania, taking their part in the mission of "a church for Tasmania, making disciples of Jesus". Wellspring Synod Representatives also sit on Parish Council as full members.
  • A suitable Nomination Committee member will be called on if/when the Rector of Wellspring's position becomes vacant. They will need to be a maturing disciple of Jesus, who is familiar with Wellspring's strengths and weaknesses, and is willing to work with Diocesan representatives to bring a recommendation of candidates to the Bishop to be the next Senior Pastor/Rector of Wellspring. Please note: this committee will be elected and may activate after the next (new) Rector of Wellspring, not the upcoming vacancy when Rob concludes.

AGM 2024 Documents

Our AGM is going to be held Sunday August 25 at 11:30am.

Attend in person or watch (without participating) via zoom using the link here. Or use Meeting ID: 894 1757 3581 and Passcode: AGM2024


All documents you require before the day can be found here once available.

1. Minutes from AGM 2023

2. Agenda for AGM 2024

3. Ministry & Mission Reports

4. Governance Reports

5. Audited Financials 2023-2024

6. Budget 2024-2025


If you are unable to make the meeting and would like to register an apology please email Lara admin@wellspring.org.au. 

If you have any questions about the above reports feel free to contact the report writer directly or email Lara admin@wellspring.org.au.

Changes ahead for Wellspring leadership


It was the end of April when I announced that, after much seeking of God and asking Him to lead, I would be concluding my role as Wellspring’s Senior Pastor/Rector by year’s end. You can find video of that hereThank you to everyone who continues to honour me and my family with affirmation, kindness, and ongoing prayer. We’re trusting God for a new adventure.

There is now more information to share about what the months ahead will look like. This is the standard process for all Anglican churches in Tasmania, organised by the Diocesan office and facilitated by Parish Council:

  • A parish-wide consultation took place during July, led by Archdeacon Stephen Savage. This involved two sessions of in-person discussion, with an invitation for written submissions, which were gratefully received. This consultation yielded some answers about who Wellspring is and where we want to go, and thus the type of person needed to lead as the new Rector.
  • A Parish Profile is almost finalised. It will provide a helpful overview of Wellspring and the role of Rector for prospective candidates to consider. Soon after, the process of advertising and recruitment begins. It is likely this will take several months.
  • The Imbergers’ final Sunday with you will be on October 27th. I then need to take accrued leave before officially resigning and moving in mid-December.
  • The Wardens have recommended, with the Bishop's approval, that Noel Bowditch serve as Locum (ie. Acting Rector) from November 1st and until a new Rector commences. Noel is known and respected among our church community, and will provide stable and godly leadership during this interval.
  • Pray for your Nomination Committee, who works with the Bishop and Diocesan members, representing Wellspring’s interests and vision in the search for a new Rector. They are the ones who join in on interviews, discern God’s leading, and make recommendations to the Bishop for his eventual appointment. The Nomination Committee members are: Matt Bowditch, Darryl Cook, Gemma Kleywegt, Helen Lord and John Morse - they will continue to serve in this role until the end of the process.
  • John Morse will also remain available as a contact person over these months ahead.

I’m so thankful for the life with Jesus that Wellspring has enjoyed in recent years. It’s an encouraging journey that I believe is poised for more depth and Spirit-fruit. As above, what this path ahead provides are clear and decisive steps to ensure Wellspring is well-led. There will definitely be change, some of it difficult, but some of it exciting too, and godly leadership will help navigate our church through both.

Your brother in Christ,

Welcoming Refugees - Update Dec 2023

Welcoming Refugees - where are things up to?

At August's Annual Meeting, I shared a new and exciting initiative to help us achieve our key priority of Local Outreach. 

Wellspring has been invited to join with other Hobart Anglican churches to assist refugee families settle in for their first 12 months in Tasmania. We have a concrete opportunity to share life with Jesus with some of the most vulnerable and needy.

Here is a summary of what's happened in the past few months:
  • A dozen Wellspring members expressed their support and passion to get behind this, with various networks and resources at their disposal.
  • Two Community Supporter Groups across four churches have formed, including me and three other Wellspring members. We’re called “Welcome to Hobart 1 & 2”, with a hands-on role to assist new arrivals with transitional housing, employment, education, healthcare, and so on.
  • CRSA (the organisation which matches refugee families with local CSGs) requires applications from these teams and its members: this comprehensive process is being completed currently. We will undertake training in February 2024, with UNHCR and CRSA arranging the matching process soon after.
  • With the current demand in refugee camps worldwide, it's likely that refugee families will potentially arrive during the first quarter of next year. How wonderful would it be to show up as a 'Welcome Party' at Hobart airport, meeting them with warmth and love as their first impression of Australia?
  • Finances will be centrally controlled through Anglican Health & Welfare, a Diocesan organisation led by a Board (of which I'm a member). 
  • Wellspring's financial contribution will be drawn from an upcoming grant, to be applied for through the Diocesan New Ministry Development Fund. The two CSGs are considering several fundraising options also.
  • There are multiple ways that a church community can be involved (click here for such a partner organisation).
Please be praying! This is a bold new step for our church and there are many unknowns. But in our life with Jesus, we partner with Him for Spirit-anointed, Luke 4 ministry.
Rob Imberger.