Download this form and use it to nominate for positions of: 

Parish Councillor, Warden, Synod Rep or Nomination Committee. 

Nomination form - parish positions_pdf


Please return completed forms to the office no later than 15 August 2021.


Hard copy forms available from church.


What are these roles?

A suitable Parish Council member represents the wider church, in particular their home congregation, and joins with the Rector in “ensuring the affairs of the Parish are properly conducted”. More importantly, a Parish Council member is committed to life with Jesus for themselves, as they demonstrate a passion for the vision and welfare of Wellspring.


A suitable Warden will fit the above description also, as well as having a greater degree of responsibility in the spiritual discernment and welfare of Wellspring Parish (our people and property).


A suitable Synod Representative commits to attending the annual parliament-style meeting of all Anglican parishes and agencies, over a three year term. They join with the Rector in representing Wellspring to the wider Anglican Diocese of Tasmania, taking their part in the mission of "a church for Tasmania, making disciples of Jesus". Wellspring Synod Representatives also sit on Parish Council as full members.


A suitable Nomination Committee member will be called on if/when the Rector of Wellspring's position becomes vacant. They will need to be a maturing disciple of Jesus, who is familiar with Wellspring's strengths and weaknesses, and is willing to work with Diocesan representatives to bring a recommendation of candidates to the Bishop to be the next Senior Pastor/Rector of Wellspring.