Hi there!
What a joy it was to gather last night to mark the beginning of this new season for Wellspring. Thank you to all those who were involved in the Induction service and to all who have made Kim, Betty, Margot and I feel so welcome over recent weeks. We're very happy to be here.
As I said last night, we have so much to look forward to. I'm filled with optimism and excitement about what God is going to do among us as we seek to obey His will and glorify our Lord Jesus Christ together.
This Sunday, we gather together as one community at 9.30am. Please see more details in the notice below. We'll be examining Paul's prayer for the Ephesians - a prayer for power through God's Spirit that we may grasp the width, length, height and depth of Christ's love. What a prayer!
I'm looking forward to being with you on Sunday as we worship our mighty God together. It'd be great to see you there.
John McQuillan
Welcome from the McQuillan Family
PREPARE prayer and fasting season Resources
For those new to fasting
Foregoing a meal on one of Wellspring’s corporate prayer days, and using that time to pray for our church in a season of transition, can be a useful starting point.
Try a new habit of walking or exercising without taking your phone, to protect that time from distraction.
Someone might choose to fast coffee for a month, and every time they feel that pang of need, it’s a reminder to pray.
Social media may be something especially consuming for others, and to fast regularly from this allows space to pray.
If you’d like to try a one-day fast, keep the following in mind:
Fast for two meals.
Continue drinking coffee and tea if that’s your habit.
Keep a normal work and exercise schedule.
Have a single long period of uninterrupted quiet. This can involve: prayer,
journalling, reading Scripture, etc.
If you’d like to extend your fast beyond one day, keep the following in mind:
Expect to feel hungry.
Plan your schedule. If you have existing appointments, find natural ways
to communicate you’re fasting if needing to mention it.
Have a specific purpose, problem, or necessary breakthrough in mind, to
focus attention and return to.
Be mindful of where you plan to be in the final stages of the fast, since
you will be in need of sustenance and low on energy.
For further reflection and study
We recommend the “Practicing the Way” podcast by John Mark Comer. Click here for more details.
A shorter explanation of the value of fasting can be found here.
For children and families
You may discuss and choose something together to fast from on the days of fasting (Oct 31st, Nov 14th, Nov 28th). For example, a treat, technology, or activity, as a regular reminder to stop and pray.
You may like to incorporate the prayers below during family meal or prayer times, prepared by Anna Davy and based on Psalm 28:7-9.
You can use a simplified version of our PREPARE prayer (also below)
Lord, you are our strength and shield.
We trust you,
And you help us.
We give you thanks.
Lord, you are powerful.
You save and protect those who lead us.
Save your people,
Bless your people,
Shepherd us at Wellspring,
And carry us forever. Amen.
God of strength and wisdom,
you are worthy of all praise,
and we can trust you in change.
As Wellspring changes,
by your Holy Spirit make us more like Jesus;
provide us godly leaders;
and grow our life with Jesus,
in whose name we pray. Amen.
Your 2024-2025 Parish Council
Congratulations to your new Parish Council for 2024-2025.
Councillors: Matt Bowditch, Ruth Charlton, Wendy Falloon, Peter Kleywegt, Grace Ren, John Schuringa
Wardens: Anna Folkerts, Richard Lord, Brett Reid
Synod Reps (2024-2027): Richard Lord, David McQuillan and TBC.
Nomination Committee 2024-2027: 1. 2. 3. (supplementary 4. 5. 6. ) TBC
Please pray for this group of people as they seek to lead Wellspring in life with Jesus.
Communication to Parish Council can be made through the office: admin@wellspring.org.au
Council meets third Wednesday of each month.
2024 Nomination Form for: Parish Council, Warden, Synod Rep, Nomination Committee
Nominations ahead of our 2024 AGM are open. They will close Sunday 18 August.
Download this form and use it to nominate for positions of:
Parish Councillor, Warden, Synod Rep and Nomination Committee member
Please return completed forms to the office no later than 18 August 2024.
Hard copy forms are available from church.
What are these roles?
- A suitable Parish Council member represents the wider church, in particular their home congregation, and joins with the Rector in "ensuring the affairs of the Parish are properly conducted". More importantly, a Parish Council member is committed to life with Jesus for themselves, as they demonstrate a passion for the vision and welfare of Wellspring.
- A suitable Warden will fit the above description also, as well as having a greater degree of responsibility in the spiritual discernment and welfare of Wellspring Parish (our people and our property).
- A suitable Synod Representative commits to attending the annual parliament-style meeting of all Anglican parishes and agencies, over a three year term. They join with the Rector in representing Wellspring to the wider Anglican Diocese of Tasmania, taking their part in the mission of "a church for Tasmania, making disciples of Jesus". Wellspring Synod Representatives also sit on Parish Council as full members.
- A suitable Nomination Committee member will be called on if/when the Rector of Wellspring's position becomes vacant. They will need to be a maturing disciple of Jesus, who is familiar with Wellspring's strengths and weaknesses, and is willing to work with Diocesan representatives to bring a recommendation of candidates to the Bishop to be the next Senior Pastor/Rector of Wellspring. Please note: this committee will be elected and may activate after the next (new) Rector of Wellspring, not the upcoming vacancy when Rob concludes.
AGM 2024 Documents
Our AGM is going to be held Sunday August 25 at 11:30am.
Attend in person or watch (without participating) via zoom using the link here. Or use Meeting ID: 894 1757 3581 and Passcode: AGM2024
All documents you require before the day can be found here once available.
5. Audited Financials 2023-2024
If you are unable to make the meeting and would like to register an apology please email Lara admin@wellspring.org.au.
If you have any questions about the above reports feel free to contact the report writer directly or email Lara admin@wellspring.org.au.