"Humility" Study Guide Feb-Mar 2021 (8am&10am sermon series companion)

See below a study guide to use alongside the 8am&10am sermon series "Humility". 

The purpose of this study guide is to help you explore our weekly preaching focus by taking you to the bible to read and reflect for yourself. Use it in your Growth Groups; use it for solo reflection.

When it comes to “humility”, we need all the help we can get (myself included)! So I hope this offering will help you to marvel afresh at our humble Jesus, and to seek after your own humble discipleship.

Sermons can be listened to here: https://www.wellspring.org.au/sermons/

May God bless us in our hearing and doing His word.

Volunteering at 10am & Role Descriptions

Our life with Jesus is expressed by our four core values: Belong, Believe, Grow and Share. To belong is to feel part of something where we give and receive. Believe is our heart of worship, word and prayer. We (and others) grow when we have the opportunity to share and practice our God-given gifts with one another.

It is a joy and a blessing to see members thriving when contributing from their spiritual gifts and passions. We would like to give you more opportunities for this to happen. The practice of volunteering to serve the 10am community on Sundays is a great expression of these core values.

If you are unsure how our Heavenly Father has gifted you Rob would love to connect you with someone to pray and make the discovery together. Drop him a line! Of course there are many different ways each of us contributes to the life of the church through our gifts, and Sunday service serving may not be appropriate for you at this time. That is OK. But if you have been thinking you'd like to serve, we'd love to hear from you!


We are looking for more volunteers to help us make our Sunday Services function well. If you are interested in serving or finding out more about a particular role we'd love to hear from you. 

We are extremely keen for more people to join our Welcoming Team, Sound desk Team and Visual Data Team. 


Position Descriptions for some of these roles are attached.  More to be added.


Submit your interest by the form here.

2020-21 Parish Council nominations

We thank God for our 2019-20 Parish Council, who have served faithfully. We've had a good year together. They have been: Bill Folkerts; Karrie Malan; Jessie Whittle; Gemma Kleywegt; Darren Vos; Keith Scott; Sandy Whight; Jude Davies; Richard Lord; John Morse; Heidi Harback; and Linda Chau.

We especially acknowledge those stepping down - Linda Chau, Karrie Malan, Jessie Whittle and Keith Scott - we appreciate their blessing us with their time and passion.

Our 3 Synod Representatives (Richard Lord; Sandy Whight; Jude Davies) remain on Parish Council by default, as they are in the middle of their 3 year term. Also, with only 2 nominations for 2 positions of Warden, Richard Lord and John Morse will be duly appointed at our AGM.

For Parish Council in the coming 2020-21 year, there are 6 nominations for 4 positions, so an (electronic) election will be held at our AGM. As Rector, Rob Imberger also directly appoints 2 PC members as well as 1 Warden.

Please see the attachment for profiles of who has been nominated as Parish Councillors for the coming year, and pray God leads our church through godly leaders.

2020 AGM - How to complete nominations for Parish Council & Warden


In this coronavirus climate, the Diocese of Tasmania has made several new provisions to facilitate safe process and in-person gathering. One of these is electronic nominations for leadership positions: the two offices for election and appointment for 2020-21 are Parish Councillor and Warden.


What are these roles?

A suitable Parish Council member represents the wider church, in particular their home congregation, and joins with the Rector in "ensuring the affairs of the Parish are properly conducted". More importantly, a Parish Council member is committed to life with, like and for Jesus for themselves, as they demonstrate a passion for the vision and welfare of Wellspring.

A suitable Warden will fit the above description also, as well as having a greater degree of responsibility in the spiritual discernment and welfare of Wellspring Parish (our people and property).


How do I nominate someone?

A sample email communication is provided below for you to copy & amend. Reference is made to two documents, which are attached to this post.

Eg. John Smith has nominated Tom Black for Parish Council. Joan Smith is the secondary nominator. Both Tom Black and Joan Smith must confirm by return email that they consent to nominate/be nominated. At every point, the nominee's address, nominators' addresses and admin@wellspring.org.au must be included in the email thread. 

We, 1. John SMITH (cc’d in for confirmation)   and 2. Joan SMITH

Electors of the Parish of Wellspring

HEREBY NOMINATE as Parish Councillor , Tom BLACK (cc’d in for confirmation)

By return email, Tom BLACK agrees to this nomination and declares that he has read the Faithfulness in Service Code of Behaviour (Ministry and Tribunal Ordinance 1998, Schedule 5).


He agrees to meet the requirements of Safe Church Communities Endorsement as defined in the Safe Church Communities Ordinance 2009, Schedule 1, for holders of this office, if so elected.

Growth Group Discussion Questions - 8am & 10am congregations - Jul/Aug 2020

On Jul 16th, Rob preached on John 10:1-18 and Psalm 23 with the theme of "Life with Jesus"

  1. In what ways has this COVID-19 pandemic clarified your life? Eg. What has emerged as important and not-so-important? How have you changed your outlook on relationships, work, money, health?
  2. Re-read Jn 10:1-5 and Ps 23:1-4. What signs of an intimate relationship do you see reflected in these?
  3. Discuss what you understand by the phrase "hearing the Shepherd's voice". Read Matthew 7:24-27 as a prompt.
  4. Share your reaction to this statement: "The goal of Jesus' cross is not only our forgiveness but our reconciliation to the Father." See Colossians 1:19-23.
  5. What sort of enemies can you identify in your life that make intimate, abundant and responsive life with Jesus difficult?


On July 26th, Rob preached the first in our "Values" series (BELONG) from Psalm 139 and Romans 15:1-7

  1. Do you have a 'history' with this Psalm to share? A particular time in your life where part or all of it impacted you?
  2. Go through the psalm to count how many times God is spoken of as acting/initiating. What does this teach us about the first step of belonging?
  3. Re-read Ps 139:19-24. How does this section relate to the remainder of the psalm?
  4. Re-read Rom 15:1-5. How do these verses describe the life of a church community?
  5. Rom 15:7 instructs believers to "accept one another just as Christ accepted you." How did Christ accept us? What about this is meant to be replicated in accepting one another? Give a real-life example.